jmPlayer the mp3 id3-Tag Batch Editor

download and installation

1. download jmplayer
2. if not already installed, you need the java runtime environment (JRE)
3. if not already installed, you either need the java media framework or the mplayer installed to play music files (optional)

unzip the jmplayer_0_1_pre package to your desired folder. open a command prompt at that location and type java -jar jmplayer_0_1_pre.jar

about jmPlayer and mp3 ID3-Tag batch editing

jmPlayer is a simple mp3-Player and advanced mp3 ID3-Tag batch editor. So it's main intention is to provide a simple but powerful way to rename many files and tags at once.

screenshots and usage

1. the player panel

> / ||play / pause
<<10 seconds back
>>10 seconds forward
<|previous track
|>next track
pshow/hide playlist
mshow/hide mainframe

2. the popup-menu

choose select all to select the whole playlist.
choose edit ID3-Tags to edit the selected files.

3. the playlist toolbar

upper toolbar see 1. except:
p player

addadd files to the current playlist
newclear the playlist
loadload a playlist and add it to the current list
savesave the current playlist
edit ID3-Tagsedit the ID3-Tags of the selected files

1. ID3-Tag editing

uppercasetEsT sTrInG -> test string
lowercasetEsT sTrInG -> TEST STRING
capitalizetEsT sTrInG -> Test string
copy ID3v1 to ID3v2copy all ID3v1 Tag values into the ID3v2 Tag
copy ID3v2 to ID3v1copy all ID3v2 Tag values into the ID3v1 Tag
fill with valuefill all selected items with te value under the cursor
use regular expressionsee 2.
number tracksnumber selected items ascending
ID3 to filenamesee 3.
filename to ID3see 3.
select all ....
select column ....
select row ....
select none ....

2. regular expressions

for an introduction to regular expressions see

3. filename -- ID3 exchange

ID3 to Filename... use the specified Tags (see list) to build the filename.
Filename to ID3... parse Tags with the specified pattern (see list) from the filename.

%trtrack number

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